Research Interests

My research focuses on developing new theoretical toolkits to characterize and solve for the dynamics of Quantum Field Theories, and applying these methods to gain a deeper understanding of particle physics and string theory.

Quantum Field Theory (QFT) is a framework which unifies quantum mechanics and special relativity, and is essential across many areas of modern theoretical physics—including for capturing the interactions of the elementary particles. The most interesting phenomena in nature comes from systems which are strongly interacting, for which traditional perturbative techniques fail and new creative tools are required. (This is why, for instance, answering how does the strong nuclear force keep the nucleus bound together? is such a difficult problem!) In my research, I study systems precisely in these most-elusive yet most-interesting limits, with the goal of taking away broad lessons about the nature of quantum field theory. I often address these questions within the framework of string theory, which provides a rich playground of geometric tools to study strongly interacting QFT.

Publications and Talks

My research publications can be accessed here.

Some of my recorded talks can be accessed online. For example, see this link for my talk from Strings 2022 on using tools from supersymmetry to learn about a non-supersymmetric confining gauge theory, and this link for my review of recent developments in using string theory to geometrically engineer QFTs with minimal supersymmetry.

The Big Picture

Check out this non-technical introduction to my research program, which gives a flavor of the sort of questions I pursue and what working in my group might entail - Probing Quantum Field Theory at Strong Coupling